As a child, especially in History class we were taught about the First Amendment: Freedom Of Speech. But why is now in my adult years I see that if you do chose to use ur rights, there will be a lot of consquences. A lot of people are told to speak your mind tell me how you feel, express yourself. But it is that what people truly want? Because the moment you do speak your mind, you take the risk of hurting someone. But, if you dont speak your mind you are hurting youself. So what is one to do?
For an example, I am one who many consider to be blunt. When my boyfriend and I first started dating, I think I shocked him with my outbursts. Its not that I didnt think of his feelings but i didnt want misplace aggression. I felt it was better to say what was on my mind at the exact point of time! The things that would come out of my mouth were at times horrifying. I just tell him and other that I dont discriminate aganist my thoughts. LOL! It becomes so tiring to have to censor yourself to please others. But I have tried and let me tell you, it has just led to me being upset, tears and heartaches.
Another example, is what is currently going on in the lifestyles of the man or woman who chose to express themselves by what they wear or because of thier sexuality. So its okay for a hertosexual couple to have intense PDA or dress whatever way they chose but its not okay for a homosexual couple? What makes you think I wanna sit on a train and see Tom and Tracy making out? And if its okay for them why cant Jack and James do it? Why cant they express thier love just like another couple? It has become so bad that kids the tender age of 14 who want to express themselves are commiting sucide? They are being afarid to wear colorful colors, tight clothes or jewerly. Having to hide who they truly are so that someone can be comfortable. Who are WE to pass judgement on someone to have them kill themselves?
The same thing is going on with young teens who have become famous. Take Demi Lovato. She has become commited to an intution because of the pressure of the media. She cancled a perfomace because of rain, even put the pictures of the flood online and she was automatically cruificed. She started cutting herself, dating guy to guy who were older and still found no peace. When will it be enough for society?
You have the freedom of speech to bully others and to make other cry and that is ok? But for some else to speak thier mind or dress the way they chose its not acceptable! Its a total double standard and it needs to stop. Before you tell someone to speak thier mind or you make fun of someone take a look in the mirror. Tell me what you see? Because if its not GOD the creator of you, then you my friend cannot tell anyone anything!
And remember if you cant handle the truth dont ask for it!! Dont be a sour PUSS!!
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