ME :)

ME :)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Theres No Way To Go Down If Your Always Going Up!!

Whats up everyone?? I want to know do you guys believe in "destiny" ? For an example, some thing happened to my close friend Molly and seeing what she has to go through kinda made me open up my eyes. And say to myself do you want that to be you? The desperation and pain in Molly's eyes can make you feel bad about everything you have done in your life!

So because of this I guess you can say, I had an awakening! I saw the LIGHT! And I woke up this morning and I promised myself that as from today forward I am going to make a daily change in my life. I don't have to make MAJOR changes but I do need to make minor. I will not be able to get where I wish I could be going later on life. And that means everything from my mental to physical health!

I truly believe if you like how you look on the outside you will like how you feel in the inside. You know its basically the same as, look good, feel good! And that's exactly what I am going to do. You can sit and wait and be patient if you are looking for a good thing to come towards your way. But how could you sit and wait if your nothing that you are waiting for!?

So many of you wait til Christmas to make your resolutions that you never to seem follow once March comes around. And that's if your lucky!! From this day on, you should what you need to do to improve you life. Don't let any one ever tell you that there's time because its a lie! Don't wait, do something!

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