ME :)

ME :)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

why everything gotta be so complicated?

As many of you may know, I am in a 2 year relationship. My boyfriend is my best friend and the love of my life. But just like many people who have a significant other, it can be hard to balance a friendship and a relationship. Especially when your friends miss the "old you."

Before I met my boyfriend, I was a hardcore partyyy girl! I hardly slept or ate. And I was always in and out of the ER! I had so many "friends" but none of them were people who I could trust! Just a whole lot of party friends. I did alot of things that I shouldn't have. Sometimes, I even ask myself how I still have stayed alive for this long. However, when I met my current boyfriend, things began to change. Especially after a drunken incident in April, that caused him and I to reevaluate our relationship. At first, I was furious because I felt that he was trying to changed me. Like he did not fall in love with me for the person I truly was. I got really mad but then I started seeing things from his point of view. Like my health and my safety were constantly put on the back burner for some fun. Suddenly, I  started to see life in a different light. And because of him I will forever be grateful. However, some of my friends and family see it as me doing what he wants me to do.

They feel like I am being controlled by him and not being able to express myself. That I need to put my foot down and tell him like it is. But that is not how a healthy relationship should be. I once read a quote and it said when your in a relationship, the person who are with should be a mirror of you ought to become. I look up to my boyfriend and I want the same in return. In addition, I feel that sometimes it is hard to explain to them my relationship with my boyfriend and how we work. No matter how many times I try to tell them the reason why I stop doing the things I use to do.

I love my boyfriend and my friends, but at the end of the day LOVE is what will conquers all! If you want to make a relationships work it has to be 50/50 with friends and your beau. I am still the carefree lovin' girl but I know that there is more to life. I am always going to do what I want, which is what alot of people forget! I have always been that way. But instead of just thinking of what I want only I am trying to of what is best for all people around me. But to some that's me being weak. I just do not want any drama! Sometimes I cry because I do not know what to do!

Has any one ever been through this kind of dilemma? :(
If so leave some comments. Help a sister OUT!!! LOL


camjl14 said...

when your in a relationship your suppose to change alittle,but don't loose yourself. Friends and family have a hard time when those they care for change with out them being involve. Change is hard on everyone no matter wat it is.

Just remeber as long as you know whatever you decide to change for yourself is in your best interest forget about the haters. The ones who truly care will come around n find otherwise to spend time with you. Who knows myb you will hav impact on them n they will change for the better.

As for the bf as long as he is trying to pull the best out of you he's okay in my book.

deboravoltaire said...

thank you Cassandra!