ME :)

ME :)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I See Your True Colors

Why is when people end a relationship, wheter intimate or not, one person in the party tends to become mean or nasty? We were friends before, hell, we called each other "best friend forever" and now you wanna be evil? I guess some people don't know what forever means.

I know,everyone deals with a lost differently. I for one, believe in friend til the end. And I don't mean until we stop talking, I mean until we die. Because if I cared for you once, I will always care for you. No matter how much of a bitch you end up being. I think its because of Karma. I have witness how she can be and I don't wanna mess around.

I don't know what my resolutions are for the new year. But I do know I want peace! And a little - no I am lying, alot of fun. But I already have the feeling, some one from Brooklyn will be doing just that!! ;)

Hopefully, you guys got all your Christmas shopping! I haven't, I only got for 2 people. My best friends! LOL! Who I know will be there forever. Shoot they better have, I have their initials tattooed on me! DJV :)



Anonymous said...

love love this one true believer of Karma i lost my passport and almost missed a flight to tell you I love you again DJV homie

iceblueheart4 said...

Very true statement...all relationships whether inimate or not always start off as a friendship even if it ended and the friendship is not that strong after the relationship it still should remain corgal...but sometimes its hard on some ppl...DJV

deboravoltaire said...

thanks girls for reading and supporting! DJV