ME :)

ME :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Case of the Fake People!

For many of you who do not know me just what I write today I am going to let you know a little something about who I am. I am a person who doesn't like hypocrites. You know people who say one thing and then flip on you, and make it seem like you are the wrong one? We can call them flip flopper's!! Those kind of people come in all shapes, sizes and voices.

For some one reason I am seeing and hearing alot of these people. I know many people say I shouldn't talk mean about others. Or if you cant change some one let it be. But I am person who like to speak my mind. Hence "The Voice Within" ! Why do some people defend the worse kind of actions? Or think they know it all. And in less than 2 seconds they flip flop to what they were saying? Is like that person has a hold on them. Like I use to say the Devil works in all kinds of forms.

So many people I know love to say bad things about me and I know that, but would never do it in  my face. And that is probably best for them because I can fight with just my mouth! I have lost a lot of friends due to being hypocrites. I am a firm believer say what you mean and mean what you say. Don't go back and forth or say you didn't mean to say it when you did.

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