ME :)

ME :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Happy BeLated Bday

In the last two weeks were two birthdays of 2 of the best Scorpios in my life. Two complete different ages but I would DIE if i didn't have them!!

My Lil goddaughter Evangeline, is the smartest girl you probably meet in your life. She doesn't take any bullshit from anyone! She tells you exactly what is on her mind and never says sorry. Unless she believes its truly her fault. And even sometimes she wont tell you that! She is very confident and knows that she is beautiful! She has the best big brown eyes and the curliest hair. If you want to know what is going on in the school she goes to she will tell you with a blink! I love her more than I love myself. When I am around her, its like a High I just cant get enough! She makes me feel so whole!!!

And the other one special apple pie in my life is my cousin Pascale. We have been through a lot of things in our lives. She is like my Lil sister. She never judges me no matter what it is that I am doing. She is so funny and definitely some one who you want around when your down. She is what I call a ride or die bitch! She is always up for convo, a outing or dinner/movie date. She calls me for fashion advice and I call her for man advice. It also helps that our parents are super close because it allows for us to remain thisclose. This year she will be graduating from SUNY ALBANY. And I am so proud of her! She has been very driven and has not said no to hard work! I love her so much! My Passie.

So Happy Belated Birthday to the best 2 Scorpios in my life! So please comments and tell them the same!!! xOxO

Happy 21st Birthday to Pascale!!

                                  Happy 3rd Birthday to Evangeline!!!

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